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Oct 31, 2019

The 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate Impact on the Medtech Market: Part 2


Four of the democratic nominee front runners were featured in the first part of this series, and none made medtech a part of their defined platform.

But some of the lesser-known presidential candidates came out more directly in favor of helping the medtech industry thrive, thereby increasing access to safer patient care. They may not lead the pack, but these candidates have plenty of ideas about the future.

Not surprisingly, it is entrepreneur Andrew Yang who has made the development and growth of medtech part of his platform. With a goal towards increasing investments and bettering technologies, Yang intends to use AI for rural telemedicine, social workers, and counseling, and examine the regulations that may be hampering new development.

Kirsten Gillibrand (D — NY) has, like other candidates, walked a fine line between supporting Medicare for All or other more incremental changes to the existing system. However, based on her track record of supporting manufacturing and research within her home state, and encouraging programs like, Gillibrand is likely to approach new regulations that incorporate a better approval system for both manufacturers and end-users. 

Marianne Williamson made it on the most recent debate stage, with some surprised the blogger and “wellness expert” would make it so far. Williamson, unlike the other candidates, believes health care to be about personal and environmental betterment, instead of, well, medical science. While Williamson’s views likely won’t land her on the next stage, they are influencing a new generation to think twice about medical care, a scary prospect.

Cory Booker (D — NJ) has come out in support of maintaining the current health care setup, the ACA, and has stayed relatively quiet as other politicians detangle the national conversation. In fact, Booker has also supported the private insurance industry, which would provide longer-term stability for current medtech strategists and manufacturers.