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Aug 12, 2019

The Next Medtech Unicorn - AI, Robotics, Advanced Imaging, Other?


According to recently shared research from CB Insights, there are over 30 healthcare startups valued at over $1B. The majority of these “unicorns” are developing solutions for the rapidly growing digital healthcare market. Artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based solutions, big data, and other technological innovations are all being explored and implemented in new ways to improve the healthcare industry.

A few companies listed below are catching attention from investors and medtech strategics as they aim to be the next medtech unicorn.  In February 2020, these companies along with 100 other venture funded startups will convene at the Emerging Medtech Summit in Southern California.  They’ll share their investment and strategic partnering opportunities with an audience of forward looking medtech executives and investors.

AI, advanced imaging devices, and robotics are steadily being introduced into the operating room. Activ Surgical’s ActivSight technology dynamically integrates these technologies to enhance intra-operative resources to surgeons and reduce complications.

Canary Medical is developing a platform that collects data from medical devices using proprietary sensors that can be incorporated into current and in-development medical devices. The company’s mission is to improve clinical outcomes and reduce costs using data collected from medical devices.

ExplORer Surgical’s cloud-based software platform allows medtech companies and hospitals to train surgeons and their teams to perform specific procedures. The educational platform allows medtech companies to train surgeons how to use their new devices. Hospitals benefit from the use of the ExplORer platform by providing surgical teams with real-time information and task guidance to improve efficiency and reduce supply waste during procedures.    

nView Medical’s nView s1 is bringing instantaneous 3D image visualization powered by AI into pediatric surgery. nView s1 utilizes virtual-fluoroscopy, creating fluoroscopic views from 3D images to allow surgeons to simultaneously visualize multiple viewpoints (e.g. axial, coronal, lateral) from a single position.

Through the use of proprietary components and protocols, Pulmostics has developed an integrated breath analysis system for point-of-care diagnosis and management of disease. The company’s breath analysis technology is able to rapidly and accurately detect biomarkers associated with specific diseases, such as breast and lung cancer, from a low-cost breath analysis test.

By merging AI, clinical sensors, and digital health platforms REACT Neuro is working with its private partners to develop next-generation solutions for the future of neuroscience. REACT Neuro is building proprietary algorithms for the early detection of neurological diseases in collaboration with KOLs, pharmaceutical companies, and research institutions.

Strados Labs’ patient-friendly, wearable biosensor and data analytics platform are aiming to redefine respiratory health management. The biosensor continuously collects data on a patient’s activity, breathing patterns, coughing and wheezing rates, heart and respiratory rates, and tidal volume variation to allow physicians to remotely monitor lung performance.

The impact that technology can have on healthcare is undeniably promising. It is an exciting time to be developing or investing in digital health solutions that could revolutionize the healthcare industry. These next-generation technologies are being implemented throughout the scope of the healthcare process, from evaluating a patient’s condition to improving therapeutic outcomes.

Learn more about these innovators and other medtech startups here.