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Joseph Connell, NeuEsse - Plant-Based Human Skin Substitute | LSI USA '24

Joseph Connell presented NeuEsse at LSI USA ‘24 Emerging Medtech Summit. Plant-based human skin substitute in either a protein material bandage or a "no-touch" application protocol device (especially for burns) that is lightweight, portable, military-grade and available at any point of injury to deliver skin substitutes along with other therapeutics for military and civilian patients.
Joseph Connell
CEO,NeuEsse Inc.

Joseph Connell  0:05  
Soy beans have fed millions of people for as long as we can remember. Now we're going to take those soy beans and save lives. We're going to heal wounds, we're going to treat burns. We're going to prevent scarring, improved dermatology, and take soy beans to places they've never thought they'd go before. I'm Joseph    Connell. I'm the founder and CEO of NeuEsse. NeuEsse is commercializing a human skin substitute made from pure soy protein. It has a lot to offer. And I'd like to tell you about it is the first water based all natural plant based skin ever, ever done. What we've done is animal studies already to prove full thickness wounds have healed with minimal to no scarring. The patients have intact hair follicles and sweat glands after treatment, and it is regenerative. The first study we did was in a pig model. And here is where we proved that omega skin healed full thickness wounds with minimal to no scar. This is a pig model. The top is control. No treatment covered with Integra. The bottom proves minimal to no scarring. In the wound healing market is crowded. There's all kinds of treatments. The good news is the largest organ in your body and mind is skin and nobody gets out of life without damaging it. So the market is tremendous. I'll show you in a few slides. But even though it's a crowded market, my competition comes in three flavors unavailable, unaffordable and unacceptable. Unavailable are those products that need laboratory preparation. Refrigeration, they're just not ready when you need them. At the point of care, we have a readily available skin from soy that doesn't need any preparation. unaffordable are those products that cost 400 to $500,000. To treat a serious burn victim, you won't find that with Omega skin and unacceptable I told you that my competition is from pigs, cows cadavers. The newer products I'll show you in a slide come from neonatal four skins and amniotic tissue and pig intestines. So there are cultures and religions around the world that won't accept treatment with those products even to save their lives. And all natural plant based product seems to be very acceptable to those people and we intend to open markets and untreated at this moment because of those cultural differences. I am backed by an incredibly talented world class team. I have 40 years of experience in life sciences and pharmaceuticals. Our inventor is Dr. Peter Lokesh. He is chairman of bioengineering at Temple University. I'm also backed up by Jim McGuire chairman of Podiatry at Temple University. He's a key opinion leader in wound healing. Dr. Phil Campbell from Carnegie Mellon University is a world authority on growth factors. Jim firmado is an MD and a PhD helps us with a lot of engineering on our liquid skin sprayable gun, and Dr. Gersten hopper is the inventor of the liquid skin gun that we have. I talked about my competition, and here they are for skins, amniotic tissues, but pig intestines. How does an all natural plant base skin that leaves you with no scar sound now we have taken our money and patented this in eight foreign countries. So we have the propensity for a global expansion. We have a pre sub with the FDA. And we have manufacturing in place we've done stability packaging and sterilization. The sheets are available the prototypes are functioning. And this is a picture of my skin gun. We have proprietary IP around this skin gun. We have used it to spray not only my omega skin liquid, but highly ironic acid for dermatology and wrinkle removal. We've done calcitonin we've done flavonoids, it's an IP unto itself. We have an experienced management team to take this forward to spray other people's therapeutics as revenue generating or to enhance our if you think of a diabetic foot ulcer, they don't give us the luxury of having a round wound or a circular or square wound to match our bandages. It's an asymmetric crater in your foot that could lead to life threatening situation. We can fill that crater with liquid skin that would be not compliant with non cracking non peeling, it won't leave the wound. So here's here's the market. The skin market is enormous from $73 billion total accessible to you know the the acute wounds are 30 5 billion bedsores or 20 billion, and with the population increasing, so is the market. So with a massive market, we think we can make a huge impact disrupt the market, where an addressable market of $12 billion, the the segment for burns and surgery, I haven't tapped into dermatology, with with proving no scarring, we can tap into dermatology for biopsies, breast reconstruction, Mohs surgery, what have you. In essence, the opportunity is awesome. The spin blower will give us an added advantage for providing different different options for treating wounds we can deliver in the field for our warfighters we can deliver it to VA hospital, and any point of care. If we get less than 1% of the market in the first year, which we plan, it will be 1.3 billion $1.3 million. Here's our revenue projections. And again, first year we're looking at 1/10 of 1%. And that's $1.3 million. You can look over the numbers. I'm under estimating everything because that's the way we play. Everyone will be delighted if they come on board. Were strategically positioned to capture a large percentage of the market. If you look at pigs, cows and cadavers, no one can decellularized them and put them on the market for less than I could spin soy protein. So it's orders of magnitude less expensive to manufacture, but we qualify for the same reimbursement codes, which are already handled. Therefore, hospitals, wound clinics, physicians make more profit, what gets paid for gets used. We can do some very aggressive bids and contracts which we intend to do. We intend to go over of their two targets, one the group purchasing organizations for the hospitals because we can undercut the other competition by 25 to 50% and make a profit margin that is very reputable. And we're going after the Department of Defense. Every warfighter that we deploy should have sheets of a mega skin in her backpack. It is lightweight, inexpensive, works better, cost less, and it doesn't care if you're in Alaska or Afghanistan is not heat sensitive, and it doesn't dissolve doesn't deteriorate. I'm I'm here to ask for $10 million of investment. I've never opened us up to a strategic although we've done a head to head comparison with Smith and nephews oasis. They don't know who I am. They better find out it was compelling in our favor. We've done studies against Integra. The thing that boys my optimism as a recent recent acquisition of a competitor Charis from Iceland, they use fish skin to heal wounds. And although they only had $79 million in sales, they sold for $1.3 billion dollars. So we're open for negotiations partnering investment. If you'd like to know anything more about soy skin, I love to talk about it. I live it. I'm a burn victim. My right leg was burned to the bone. I was never supposed to walk again. To rebuild that leg in a rural hospital in Connellsville, Pennsylvania. They took 360 Deep circles of skin off my thigh and they rebuilt that leg. That's 360 New wounds as 360 new scars. If my liquid skin were available then we could have prevented 360 More wounds and scars and I am on a mission to prevent as much skin grafting and pain from soldiers and veterans and victims as possible. So I thank you for your time. I'm Joe Caudill new S soy skin


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