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Andrew Swanson Presents ForTec Medical at LSI USA '24

ForTec Medical, an industry leader, is dedicated to improving patient health and healthcare by delivering innovative surgical technologies on demand.
Andrew Swanson
Andrew Swanson
ForTec Medical

Andrew Swanson  0:04  
Hello, everyone, thank you for the want to thank LSI for the opportunity to present today. So let's talk a little about for tech medical. What do we do we accelerate medical device adoption through on demand surgical services. So what does that really? What does that really mean? So we partner with all sides medical device companies, to we purchase the equipment, we provide a technician for every case throughout the US. So instead of fighting with capital budgets, oftentimes not having the resources within the facility, the hospital to service the cases, again, we partner with many large strategics to go in, we'll purchase that capital, all the accessories all the disposables. And our think our magic is offering a technician for every case that we support, we have a really nice high year over year revenue, revenue growth, we're in a big expansion mode. In that lack of hospital you all have heard this lack of hospital staffing, challenges with things like SPD turning over insurance is becoming even larger issue. So we feel like we can nicely fulfill that void. So our mission is to improve patient health and healthcare by delivering innovative surgical technologies. Again, for 36 years, we've offered this model again, in a symbiotic relationship with our manufacturers. So we don't want to compete if if our manufacturer stated objectives to sell capital and hardware, we want to help them do that. And I'll talk a little bit later how we use data transparency to get pulled through. But a lot of our manufacturers come to us and they tell us, hey, we're having trouble gaining access, like we used to to surgeons of hospitals, hospital staffing, as I mentioned, as a challenge capital budgets, I might get to the goal line and and not get my equipment purchase because something else comes up or the Signing Authority or the VAT committee is just really killing me. You know, once they sell it, are we getting that adoption without getting that kind of uses that we require of our capital? And then lastly, can we help our manufacturers that we partner with gank competitive access into accounts? So you're locked out you want to get in for tech could potentially be a solution? And how do we do that we currently have access to over 6000 surgeons and we service 2300 hospitals in the US both academic and community based, we have a large presence in the GPO and IDN community. We have clinical expertise. And really, that's our that's our glue, if you will, we've got over 500 skilled certified technicians. So again, when we partner with a manufacturer, we don't just bring in the equipment like a logistics company, our tech is sitting in that case supporting that event, tried to create some really positive outcomes with the surgeons. Oftentimes, as you all might know, hospitals are looking to put things on their operating budget as opposed to their capital budget. So again, when fortec comes in, and we already have a master contract, many hospitals say look, it's gonna be a while to get it through the capital process. But in the meantime, let's start utilization right off of the operating budget. Additionally, we've got a 50 person direct sales force that with our key manufacturers, where they're out there driving utilization of their product. So again, you know, it's what you sell it are we getting to utilize the way whether it's disposable, full through or adoption of a new technology. And the lastly, as I mentioned, we've totally transparent with our data. So we share all our data with our manufacturer partners, if their rep wants to be at a case, that's three weeks from now that we've already got on their books, we welcome that let's go in together with our technicians with our team. Okay. So a little bit of overview how we do it, we're within three hours of 94% of the hospitals in the US. We've got 44/31 service depots around the country. So the key there is that we just don't like to say no. Many of our cases are scheduled, but many are last minute add ons or challenges where they forgot to schedule. So again with those will house the capital and our technicians and our vans at all those different sites so we can immediately gain access and go service to the communities that we're in. This is our coverage map last year. We've made some nice strategic strategic acquisitions out west so we continue to add our map but a very nice footprint again, for that access. Whether it be through a GPO and IDN contract. They know us we're in their home hospitals every day and it creates a faster access point for our partners. This is some of the device partners that we're with many of them are exclusive j&j vision Philips we use them, we do a revenue share with them their with their fusion biopsy product for complex Bob's, he's just signed a deal with call stores for their blue lights to Stotsky product and use them as an example. They've got a phenomenal technology that's transcended in bladder cancer. But a lot of hospitals are not willing just to purchase a specific tower for that procedure. So we've gone in, we've purchased those towers, we've deployed them nationally, and now those patients that will get a much better reception when you're using blue light will have access to that technology. Some of our key point is that we service both academic and community hospitals. And again, the vision when we started 36 years ago was to say, look, if they're if they're at this main central hospital, how can we deploy it out to all their satellites? how those can those surgeons get access to that technology? So lastly, what do we do we drive efficient access. We want to drive utilization for again, our partners with those 50 direct sales persons we have, we want to monetize opportunity. So look if if you want to sell capital A that's that's perfectly fine with us. But let's go ahead and get them using get them hooked on the brand. Get them hooked on the procedure, as we're waiting for it to work through vac or capital budget committees. Lastly, are we use case support our technicians over 500 Number trained by area so they're really experts, whether they're doing imaging procedures, fusion biopsy, neurosurgery, robotic nephrectomies they're definitely trained in their swim lane so they can provide the best support possible. Then lastly, we do use data transparent. We know if we can't be an effective partner with our manufacturer, if our reps don't want to have a beverage together, that we're going to struggle so we get super aligned on the data with our partners, so thank you for the opportunity


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