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Anmol Kapoor, Bioaro - Genome Sequencing, Microbiome Testing & Software Solutions | LSI USA '24

BioAro is a biotechnology company specializing in genomics, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.
Anmol Kapoor
Anmol Kapoor

Anmol Kapoor  0:04  
Thank you so much for having us and amazing presentations. And thank you for staying. I know this is one of the last days and appreciate that everyone's time here. Thank you and the fellow presenters. So I'll be very short and sweet and understanding how to use this. So Bioaro, so arrow, everyone understands we are talking about using an arrow. And it's very important to understand biology before we want to solve any problems. To give you a little bit overview of the bio arrow company. It is a Canadian company, a three year old no dat, and we have a full stack of services one of our client company in a global health care field. So we are opening our medical clinic in Dubai in longevity healthspan focusing on that we specialize in multi omics AI and Belgian blockchain technologies. And we are launching world's first and multi omics software, making real time genomics possible in early May, from Dubai onwards and will be global launch. Later on, we are entering use market, acquiring some clear assets in the US and long with spreading our wings in this region. Show you the problem. The problem is the DNA the DNA is 100 GB data. Right now, if you want to get a whole genome sequencing done across the globe, you won't get a report faster than two to four weeks. And even if you be the President of the United States, it takes time to access the data. And the mind today does billions of variations. And the real problem is because we have to be accurate, we have to be precise, and we have to be delivered healthcare in a timely manner. And that because of that challenge, we are not able to deliver real time genomics or healthcare currently at present global level. And this problem is data is going to grow manifold just imagine 100 GB data one whole genome sequencing done and you have a foreigner million people living in America and even the 50% of population get WGS done. You imagine the data center you will need a data power you need it and data AI analysis you will need it. And as the problem is going to get more worse and worse and more demand is going to happen. So any company that is going to chip industry, AI industry data mining data analysts in industry is going to be making a lot of money and the goal is going to grow significantly. So no wonder other companies are in demand in this field because data is the real goal. And we need to make that happen in real time genomics. So this market is going to grow significantly and especially the wellness market and a precision health industry, you will be seeing a significant sector as healthcare is going to shift globally in the next five to 10 years. It won't be delivered as a stopgap hit and tada approach. And all the clinical style the trials and studies will be done using genomics. And all the information will be incorporated real time when you go to see a doctor and me as a cardiologist. I was tired of seeing patient with idiopathic cardiomyopathy, all the patients coming back again and again. And I'll tell them we'll start in is not good for you or good for you? Or is this the right dose for you is going to work for you. And aspirin is going to work for you not going to work for you. So all those challenges are real time. As a cardiologist, I deal with it every day, who is going to have an MI who has any CD done. So how can we be accurate. So this market is going to grow significant, but then brings many other opportunities. Now healthcare is going to shift in this direction, more personalized side, more precision health direction. But implication has significant data privacy, data security, cybersecurity, data governance, those are huge challenges that play a role. So we need to have solutions for those. That's what biota comes into the play to help solve some of those problems. As we enter market. This area. We do have a bio phenom Lab is a full stack lab that allow you to analyze any kind of omics from whole genome sequencing to metabolomics. microbiome is transcriptomics you name as omics we do the testing. If you're looking to launch cells with DNA cancer screening, we do cancer sequencing, we do immuno assay analysis pharmacogenomic analysis, and we have a full fledged lab in Canada, we can help your clinical styles studies, and clinical applications. We have a various by House software tools looking to help you analyze the data in real time. We have bio span clinics. As mentioned, we're looking to launch in Dubai, UAE and along with the Canada we're looking to enter market in USA this year. However technology and r&d is already helping many pharmaceutical companies where we do help them in phase two phase three greenness trials trials in Canada and globally. What is the advantage what solution we are offering? We are launching panoramic, the world's first real time multi omics software, which will make this data analysis much easier. The standard practice right now is for whole genome sequencing takes two to four weeks as I mentioned initially, using genomics software May onwards as a SaaS model Pay As You Go model, plug and play model, very easy for labs, wellness centers, universities, to use your sequencing data, plug it into the dynamic software, get reporting and interpretation, everything done in less than 24 hours. Unheard of that no company on this earth can call them today they can do whole genome sequencing, primary secondary tertiary analysis, and a clinical report creation interpreted less than 24 hours. So that is a changing paradigm in healthcare globally May onwards, as viral is going to launch with technology. We also pharmacogenomic Voila, application coming in, which is going to help give you a real time pharmacogenomic information. We have a blockchain enabled data security solution, compliant with the local regulations based on the countries and give you more privacy and more authority of the data, you understand what is going to happen and who may be trying to access it. We have a genetic monitoring program mobile application to notify you what is getting published about your genes, the genes we have discovered, they may have links to some diseases. We have a AI powered data analytic by EMR system that incorporates all this data and give you more perspective, more information in real time. There are many other mobile applications, they're getting integrated into those tools, and such as IoT, cognitive AI, nutrition, AI, so all in corporate data sets coming in and powering the underlying genomic information. So those tools are looking to launch as a SaaS model later this year, globally, we are clinical products. And those products are available from a brain health, woman health, longevity therapies to cancer sequencing, and regenerative medicines. So we cover everything, we are the only company where we have over 300 DNA base DNA tests based on diseases. And we're the only company that can do exome sequencing, our pharmacogenomic analysis is done on the axon. We don't do targeted approaches, we analyze everything give you every information in your hands. So all the drugs are targeted to proteins. So if you're not sequencing the protein coding genes, so how are you going to do your pharmacogenomic analysis properly? So download exome analyzer real time give information people's hand in less than 24 hours? So does it virus promise to you? We do have every kind of omics. As I mentioned, we are looking to launch ourselves free DNA test, we'll be able to screen over 100 cancers subcooling cancer before even they detected in imaging evaluations. And we're looking to commercialize this product later this year. We do microbiome omics, and we are presenting globally right now. And we are not the only companies who are working from Canada in quantum science, where we are going to do this genomics in less than 24 hours. We want to make it in seconds. So that's a quantum science promise from bio arrow. And this is one of the examples as we are coming into bio span into longevity Hausman industry. Our clinics will be focusing on precision health services as we delivered in Canada and will be delivered in Dubai along with other regions of the globe. And we're looking to deliver these services also in America this year. And this is our team that is helping us empower. We are funded by a government of Canada we use mitoq applications help us provide we do have file over 50 patents recently, and we're looking to commercialize many of those projects globally. Thank you


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