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Berk Tas, SentiAR - Studio Interview | LSI USA '24

At SentiAR, our holographic, Augmented Reality (AR) technology provides physicians with a single source of truth during interventional procedures – giving them a real-time, interactive, 360-degree view of the treatment they’re delivering.
Berk Tas
Berk Tas

Berk Tas  0:00  
Hi, I'm Berk Tas. I am the CEO of SentiAR. SentiAR is founded to develop a holographic guidance system for electrophysiology, and our ultimate objective is to create a platform that connects operating physicians to their digital tools in a very immersive and unprecedented way and become the backbone of all interventional procedures. One of our co founders is a practicing electrophysiologist, and she realized navigating within the heart anatomy, wouldn't it be amazing if you can see it like you're looking at an actual 3d object. And this particular procedure in electrophysiology is called cardiac ablation. It's a minimally invasive procedure, meaning they're operating in the heart, but the chest is closed, so they operate through visualization, image information that they get. It's not real. See with naked eye, and you need to see this data. You need to act on it, and you need to be able to control it. In all cases, this is accurate in all interventional cases. These are the needs today. We meet it by throwing more people at it, and it's grossly inefficient. Still, our vision of creating this operating system for international suites where all information is consumed through senti, our platform, the opportunity is astronomical. The software, what centi arts platform is meant to do is allow the physician to not only just see the actual hologram of patient's anatomy, and it's patient specific and it's real time, but also interact with it in a hands free fashion, because their hands are on their tools right they're operating. Go inside the heart, peer around corners, get a full contextual perspective on where they are within the heart, what tool they're using, which way the tool is facing. Is it making contact with the with the anatomy? Is it not making contact? We have so many anecdotes from users telling us things like, oh, on the to the I thought the the back wall on the heart was lower, but when I'm in the hologram, I can see it's much higher. So I'm going to change my strategy based on what I see. That's a big deal, right? Giving them this ability where they're now almost inside the heart like it's a superhuman thing, right? The way this system is used is also meant to be non disruptive to their existing workflow so it integrates with what they do seamlessly. The interface, the UI, that's custom, but developed by us to be so simple that it requires no training. We ended up developing everything in the software custom so we have our own rendering engine that allows us to render with near near zero latency. And our application layers are all designed to move real time data epochs of it with as little latency as possible, as reliable, crisp, stable, high fidelity rendering that you can have. Think of it like Windows operating system. We did the same thing, but for real time, procedural data. Now we have our engine that you can write other applications for, for moving different types of data. Our objective is to take our FDA approved system and continue deployments commercially so expand the clinical footprint. We are very selective on who we collaborate with clinically right now, our objective isn't to go out and place 1000s of systems today. It's a very controlled and limited release focused on gathering data and continue to learn how this revolution, this transformation, being received, and how do we usher it ourselves right? Because this has never been done before, and it's going to take very careful, focused, considered deployments, so we learn, along with our clinical partners so far. Sure our first few have been so exciting, because we see our vision casted and received and crafted by the operators without us saying anything. We work with them. They try to system, and they go, this should replace everything in this room, and that's that's everything for us to hear. I.


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