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Bob Yedid, LifeSci Advisors - Accelerating Innovations in Healthcare | LSI USA '24

LifeSci Advisors is the largest integrated investor relations firm in healthcare with global operations across North America, Europe, and Israel.
Bob Yedid
Bob Yedid
LifeSci Advisors

Bob Yedid  0:04  
My name is Bob Yedid. I'm with LifeSci Advisors, which is part of LifeSci partners. Go to the Next up, probably haven't clicker here and go to the next slide. Lifestyle advisors is a leading healthcare investor relations firm. We work with companies in the med tech diagnostics as well as the biosciences biopharma area, this is the we're the largest firm in the industry, there are three things that make us very, very different. One is we have outstanding investor access, we think that is critical. If you need to have connectivity with investors, whether you're a private company or a public company, we have 38 people that work on our corporate access team. They mainly were Institutional Equity sales, people, have relationships with venture capitalists, etc. And they really cry day in and day out. connectivity with investors. Last week, we had 40 companies monitor clients speaking with investors, that is extraordinary. No one else has this level of connectivity with the investor side. Second is investor community state communications or corporate communications, we have a 21 person team, eight of whom have PhDs. So very high level of scientific knowledge and content that helps you with your messaging with your investor presentation, with all external facing communications, presentations, presentations, press releases, but also if you're a public company, with regards to press releases, scripts, q&a, documents, etc. And also finally, with guards who key opinion leader events or pol events, and r&d days, this is a brand that we built over the last 12 years, we do more of these than anyone else, they're free and open to all, all investors, equity research analysts strategics, it's a great way of providing third party validation behind your company, your product, your technology, this is something that you don't need to be a client of life side, have us work with you on this. And we help you with regards to the, you know, marketing of the event, making sure it's extremely well attended. So that's one of our key differentiations. And we also have a lot of folks at our firm who are outstanding at corporate net capital markets, knowledge that's really started with people that came out of Institutional Equity came out of capital markets. We advise our clients every day on issuance into the marketplace, both private and public. And we did $15 billion of deals in the last basically 10 years. And we also have our own investment bank that did 19 transactions last year, and has done more than $2 billion of issuance so far just in the first two months of 2024. As a part of that I talked about the events, the events business has always been a leading part of our company and being part of our company that actually accelerated during COVID and wood that is very active if anyone likes to be on the email list for that we're happy to add you. We also have LS Associates l Associates is our fractional C suite business. These are experts in basically in in finance and accounting General Counsel, but they can help you with foundation information. And they also have all sorts of experts in general counsel's etc. That can basically can drop into your business work for a week work for a month, as long as you need and that can be a great temporary solution for growing companies. And then lifesize search John Spencer, our partners here with dedicated life sciences and med tech practice and then lifesite Capital helping companies with both private and public raises. And finally lifesite venture. We're in our third venture capital fund, and that's been very successful. We started that in 2017. They tend to do more late stage raises, and pre IPO raises. Okay, with that, thank you for your time.


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