Cathy Skinner 0:03
Hello, my name is Cathy Skinner. I'm the CEO and co founder of NXgenPort. 20 years ago, cancer came to my house. We all know someone who's been touched by cancer and for me it was my father. Like my dad 50% of cancer patients undergoing treatment suffer from low white blood cell counts that lead to an infection and a delay in cancer fighting treatment. Infections lead to unplanned hospital admissions costing $2.3 billion annually. Up to 50% of hospitalizations are avoidable with early intervention. Imagine the impact we can have on a cancer patients outcomes and who can detect early signs of infection before they even have symptoms, plus saving over $1 billion current methods of monitoring patients at home in between treatments or missing critical health information we created a better way. Next Gen port is the first of its kind implanted smart port that detects early signs of infection by measuring changes in blood cell counts, heart function, and vitals. Every year 800,000 new cancer patients received an implanted chemotherapy port, we reimagined the conventional port, which essentially is void of intelligence to be smart. But why now, healthcare is exploding with science and technology innovations and oncology is ripe for disruption. And our view is that the future is implanted devices. So what does this mean for a patient? Well, we'd all like to live in a world without cancer research shows keeping patients on their treatment leads to the best possible outcomes. 20 to 30% of patients suffer from febrile neutropenia, which lands them in the hospital costing $40,000 per patient stay, and many patients have multiple stays over the course of treatment, a delay in treatment leads to 10% increased risk of death. Next Gen port provides remote monitoring that is critical to avoid infections and hospitalizations. We're designing micro in vivo cytometry, we're taking micro electronics and a battery and putting it in the footprint of the port and intravascular sensors into the catheter. Using multi angle light scatter, we're able to detect different cells based on their size and their composition. You can see on the left conventional light scatter images in regular cytometry. Now lights as I said, light scatter cells capture light scattered differently depending on their size and complexity. And we expect to see the same results with the light same light scattering principles in our in vivo design. And this is important because it shows how we'll capture images of cells and identify cells and their changes over time in real time. Think of this as a platform we bring the technology together in hardware, software, and data. Looking deeper into the software, we see the raw data flowing from the port itself to the cloud for analysis. We're partnering with inter system that has the full stack of security, compliance and cloud management. The data that we're sharing with physicians are the information they use every day to make decisions on two key elements. One is looking for early signs of infection in between treatments, and two determining a patient's readiness for next chemo. And by adding sensors off the shelf to the body of the report. We can also look at vitals such as body temperature and oxygen level. We completed our first in animal study because we wanted to see how our catheter behaved in a vein. We're able to capture images of cells. And this has set us on our course to our flow cytometry models. And we're the team to bring this to market. I've spent 15 years working in the oncology space and this is my third startup. Dr. Roseanne Welter has leader and companion diagnostics and cancer. She's taken 50 products to the FDA and hold 17 patents. Kelly Christian has spent 30 years building medical devices including chemotherapy ports, along with our active team, and our very active board. We have built out our team and technology in four key areas, optics, cytometry coatings and catheters. We see strong growth in the next five to eight years and three key areas and we'll focus on the first to selling chemotherapy ports and manage patient services, pricing per port port is $300 each, and $700 per patient. For a SAS ms business model for remote patient monitoring, we're leveraging existing CPT codes and reimbursement models. Our forecast shows almost 5 million in year one and almost 25 million in year two. As I shared 800,000 new cancer patients receive an implanted port every year, and even at that scale port ports are under utilized. So looking at the potential the various revenue streams, our forecast shows 750 million in revenue five years after commercial launch. For competition port manufacturers see the port as a delivery device chemo in blood out, we reimagine the conventional port with added features of data collection and monitoring wearables measure vitals, but they don't measure changes in blood, and they have low levels of patient adherence. Lab tests measure blood, but require a patient to drive to clinic, and they can't measure changes in real time over time. Next Gen port collects a novel data package with no additional burden on the patient. We hold all of our own intellectual property with freedom to operate. We had our first patent issued in October, and our second patent is published and we have several patents in our pipeline. we've assessed an FDA strategy as a 510 K based on predicates and chemo ports and cardiac monitoring devices. We have several strategic collaborations including Mayo Clinic, where we meet with a leading oncologist as a product advisor. We completed the Mayo Clinic platform accelerate program where we built a predictive model around neutropenia risk, and we also completed med tech innovator. To date, we've been highly capital efficient, we raised over $1 million. We're in the midst of a seed round of funding, and we'll be using that funding for animal models over the next 18 months. We have a line of sight to our Series A in late 2020 for an FDA clearance in 2026. And our first sales and post FDA registry store study in 2027. We've had several key investors to date, including Baxter, we're bringing this investment opportunity to you a $2 million seed round with a $6 million cap. We'll be using that to build out our prototypes, machine learning models, animal models and conducting our pre submission to the FDA in the next three weeks. When we think about acquisition, we see several acquires port and device manufacturers intuitively, but also manage patient services and lab tests. And finally, there's a huge need indicated by pharmaceutical manufacturers. Looking at comparable exits in medical device, we can pull it to CEA and cartiva with a 20x and 12x respective exits. We've also taken the time to model out the return on investment based on several key assumptions. bringing this back home. I like to think that if next gen port had been available, when cancer came to my house, my dad would be here today. While we've hit many milestones, we're not done yet join us and bringing this platform to patients and care providers. We have a seasoned management team, proprietary technology, a line of sight to our exit, and we bring huge value to stakeholders. Thank you very much
Executive Healthcare leader with 20+ years of successful experience building businesses, differentiated products, and services that manage healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes.
Hello, I’m Cathy Skinner. I’m passionate about growing Healthcare Organizations through innovative programs and services from ideation to commercialization. I empower patients to thrive.
I have launched three companies that provide products and services for cancer patients and their loved ones. I move companies from ideation to commercialization by bringing together top talent and subject matter experts to build differentiated patient experiences. I hold two patents and have formed a strategic collaboration with Mayo Clinic to build an implantable medical device company. I have led a clinical trial funded by the National Cancer Institute. I coached 400+ cancer patients empowering them through physical activity and nutrition.
Executive Leadership, Startups, MedTech, Business Development, Sales, Program Management, Strategic Partnerships, Telehealth, Investor Relations, Remote Patient Monitoring, Tele-Coaching, Digital Health.
Executive Healthcare leader with 20+ years of successful experience building businesses, differentiated products, and services that manage healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes.
Hello, I’m Cathy Skinner. I’m passionate about growing Healthcare Organizations through innovative programs and services from ideation to commercialization. I empower patients to thrive.
I have launched three companies that provide products and services for cancer patients and their loved ones. I move companies from ideation to commercialization by bringing together top talent and subject matter experts to build differentiated patient experiences. I hold two patents and have formed a strategic collaboration with Mayo Clinic to build an implantable medical device company. I have led a clinical trial funded by the National Cancer Institute. I coached 400+ cancer patients empowering them through physical activity and nutrition.
Executive Leadership, Startups, MedTech, Business Development, Sales, Program Management, Strategic Partnerships, Telehealth, Investor Relations, Remote Patient Monitoring, Tele-Coaching, Digital Health.
Cathy Skinner 0:03
Hello, my name is Cathy Skinner. I'm the CEO and co founder of NXgenPort. 20 years ago, cancer came to my house. We all know someone who's been touched by cancer and for me it was my father. Like my dad 50% of cancer patients undergoing treatment suffer from low white blood cell counts that lead to an infection and a delay in cancer fighting treatment. Infections lead to unplanned hospital admissions costing $2.3 billion annually. Up to 50% of hospitalizations are avoidable with early intervention. Imagine the impact we can have on a cancer patients outcomes and who can detect early signs of infection before they even have symptoms, plus saving over $1 billion current methods of monitoring patients at home in between treatments or missing critical health information we created a better way. Next Gen port is the first of its kind implanted smart port that detects early signs of infection by measuring changes in blood cell counts, heart function, and vitals. Every year 800,000 new cancer patients received an implanted chemotherapy port, we reimagined the conventional port, which essentially is void of intelligence to be smart. But why now, healthcare is exploding with science and technology innovations and oncology is ripe for disruption. And our view is that the future is implanted devices. So what does this mean for a patient? Well, we'd all like to live in a world without cancer research shows keeping patients on their treatment leads to the best possible outcomes. 20 to 30% of patients suffer from febrile neutropenia, which lands them in the hospital costing $40,000 per patient stay, and many patients have multiple stays over the course of treatment, a delay in treatment leads to 10% increased risk of death. Next Gen port provides remote monitoring that is critical to avoid infections and hospitalizations. We're designing micro in vivo cytometry, we're taking micro electronics and a battery and putting it in the footprint of the port and intravascular sensors into the catheter. Using multi angle light scatter, we're able to detect different cells based on their size and their composition. You can see on the left conventional light scatter images in regular cytometry. Now lights as I said, light scatter cells capture light scattered differently depending on their size and complexity. And we expect to see the same results with the light same light scattering principles in our in vivo design. And this is important because it shows how we'll capture images of cells and identify cells and their changes over time in real time. Think of this as a platform we bring the technology together in hardware, software, and data. Looking deeper into the software, we see the raw data flowing from the port itself to the cloud for analysis. We're partnering with inter system that has the full stack of security, compliance and cloud management. The data that we're sharing with physicians are the information they use every day to make decisions on two key elements. One is looking for early signs of infection in between treatments, and two determining a patient's readiness for next chemo. And by adding sensors off the shelf to the body of the report. We can also look at vitals such as body temperature and oxygen level. We completed our first in animal study because we wanted to see how our catheter behaved in a vein. We're able to capture images of cells. And this has set us on our course to our flow cytometry models. And we're the team to bring this to market. I've spent 15 years working in the oncology space and this is my third startup. Dr. Roseanne Welter has leader and companion diagnostics and cancer. She's taken 50 products to the FDA and hold 17 patents. Kelly Christian has spent 30 years building medical devices including chemotherapy ports, along with our active team, and our very active board. We have built out our team and technology in four key areas, optics, cytometry coatings and catheters. We see strong growth in the next five to eight years and three key areas and we'll focus on the first to selling chemotherapy ports and manage patient services, pricing per port port is $300 each, and $700 per patient. For a SAS ms business model for remote patient monitoring, we're leveraging existing CPT codes and reimbursement models. Our forecast shows almost 5 million in year one and almost 25 million in year two. As I shared 800,000 new cancer patients receive an implanted port every year, and even at that scale port ports are under utilized. So looking at the potential the various revenue streams, our forecast shows 750 million in revenue five years after commercial launch. For competition port manufacturers see the port as a delivery device chemo in blood out, we reimagine the conventional port with added features of data collection and monitoring wearables measure vitals, but they don't measure changes in blood, and they have low levels of patient adherence. Lab tests measure blood, but require a patient to drive to clinic, and they can't measure changes in real time over time. Next Gen port collects a novel data package with no additional burden on the patient. We hold all of our own intellectual property with freedom to operate. We had our first patent issued in October, and our second patent is published and we have several patents in our pipeline. we've assessed an FDA strategy as a 510 K based on predicates and chemo ports and cardiac monitoring devices. We have several strategic collaborations including Mayo Clinic, where we meet with a leading oncologist as a product advisor. We completed the Mayo Clinic platform accelerate program where we built a predictive model around neutropenia risk, and we also completed med tech innovator. To date, we've been highly capital efficient, we raised over $1 million. We're in the midst of a seed round of funding, and we'll be using that funding for animal models over the next 18 months. We have a line of sight to our Series A in late 2020 for an FDA clearance in 2026. And our first sales and post FDA registry store study in 2027. We've had several key investors to date, including Baxter, we're bringing this investment opportunity to you a $2 million seed round with a $6 million cap. We'll be using that to build out our prototypes, machine learning models, animal models and conducting our pre submission to the FDA in the next three weeks. When we think about acquisition, we see several acquires port and device manufacturers intuitively, but also manage patient services and lab tests. And finally, there's a huge need indicated by pharmaceutical manufacturers. Looking at comparable exits in medical device, we can pull it to CEA and cartiva with a 20x and 12x respective exits. We've also taken the time to model out the return on investment based on several key assumptions. bringing this back home. I like to think that if next gen port had been available, when cancer came to my house, my dad would be here today. While we've hit many milestones, we're not done yet join us and bringing this platform to patients and care providers. We have a seasoned management team, proprietary technology, a line of sight to our exit, and we bring huge value to stakeholders. Thank you very much
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