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Emma Teng, Intebase - Studio Interview | LSI USA ‘24

Emma Teng, joined us in the LSI Studio at LSI USA ‘24 in Dana Point, California.
Emma Teng
Emma Teng
Founder and CEO,Intebase

Emma Teng  0:00  
I'm Emma, the founder and CEO of intubase. I have 15 years medical device self experience, as well as seven years of being surgical planning services provider, addressing a critical gap between medicine and engineering education until now, educational pathways often separate in this field. They focus on different direction, but need to be closely integrated. We targeted this opportunity. Our goal is to provide a wide range of online courses focused on medical and engineering. We will have companies professional around the world, from emerging medical engineers to practicing physicians and healthcare innovators learn. Sher me has completed the first phase of our development. We are currently recruiting our instructors for our platform and gather more and more courses for our learners. This is e learning platform designed to link plan collaboration between medicine and engineering, we offer a wide range of online courses that integrate medical knowledge with engineer innovations to advanced healthcare solutions.


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