Howard Leonhardt 0:04
All of us are born in our mother's womb. And in that world, bioelectric stimulation, stem cells and biologic support factors helped create who we are. What we're doing with Leonhardt Health is harnessing those natural processes, bioelectric signaling instructions that tell a DNA to build an RNA to build a protein to release a protein for doing something related to healing, or regenerate an organ. In our, in our basic release, we use non invasive bio electric stimulation. And in advanced organs, we use the supplementation of infusing or injecting stem cells and support factors. Today, I'm going to focus more on the non invasive products because they're quicker to market. There's a lot of investors here at this meeting and watching this video. And this is directed to understand that even though some of the great ideas of basically creating a womb for adults which is coming in the future, and mark my words, that the future is you're going to return to a womb that's going to regenerate your body. And a lot of drugs and a lot of devices are going to be obsolete because you're going to be able to regenerate your entire body. We're not talking about doing that in one big leap. But we have introduced some products that we've gotten FDA clearance on, that is the beginning of the future, and we're able to regenerate hair, regenerate skin, restore sexual health, regenerate knees, and we have a really special product called BOD stem that you wear it with exercise, it's FDA cleared for augmenting the benefits of exercise releasing extra skins and malkins proteins that help you regenerate muscle, but those same proteins Klotho and fully statin also help with many anti aging properties, properties or perhaps aging reversal properties. We've been at this a long time we regenerate our first heart in 1988 published that and physiologist, our team led the very first muscle stem cell repair of the human heart in 2001. We went on to complete pilot, phase one, phase two and phase three studies. But recently, we decided to take all that we learned over those decades of research and regenerating hearts and start to apply it to some things that could go to market more quickly. To kick through the FDA more quickly. We have FDA clearance for five products, some of them are pictured here. They the FDA clearance is for improving blood circulation for regenerating muscle treating muscle atrophy treating pain and inflammation treating arthritis including osteoarthritis of the knee, and muscle toning that can be used for many applications. And we have put together a series of products and for the first time in years, we're making a commercial launch of five products. We're targeting these two big markets Fitness and Sports Medicine. Half of our team is at the fitness meeting in San Diego today with a booth exhibiting our products. The other is for longevity, wellness and aesthetics. In the long run, we want to be identified as the world leader in longevity and wellness technologies we want to make 80 the new 50 and this is the beginning of all that non invasive treatments, preventative treatments, non pharmaceutical treatments. This just gives you an idea pictorial of one of our exciting products. This is the one that's on display at the fitness meeting, you exercise with this suit. And you can get the benefits of exercising and exercise in only 20 minutes and you can get the benefits of exercise in three to four hours. And much more than that. This is FDA cleared for big basically building muscle more quickly. But to in order to build muscle more quickly. We have patented signals issued patents for bio electrically increasing the expression of Klotho. If you take anything out of this meeting today, type in those that word Klotho some people pronounce it Klotho it's one of the big five proteins for anti aging. It when you exercise normally, releasing an extra can Klotho or a mile can Klotho is one of the benefits you increase your circulating quota by three to 6%. If you exercise vigorously, two or three times a week, if you add a standard electrical muscle stimulation suit that helps with contractions of your muscle, you can maybe double that from three to 6% to six to 12% we've demonstrated both in our laboratory right here in Irvine, California. In our animal laboratory in San Diego and in clinical patients around the world. We can greatly and dramatically increase your amount of circling klotho far above just normal exercise again normal exercise three to 6% We're coming in at about 150% on average. These Boston personal suits available for sale now. You It's available for 4995 Each and we have financing. In 1997, a team in Japan accidentally blocked the expression of Klotho. In a mice, they went on to do a study and they found out that mice where they did not have close to expression, they died 80% sooner than normal mice and on the way to die, and everything bad associated with aging happened, they lost their hair, their sexual function, their memory, cognitive function, then they took the other side, and they supplemented Klotho in mice. And those mice live 30% longer. And not only do they live 30% longer, but on the way to living 30% longer, they didn't have a lot of the aging related elements. Now, we haven't proven this inhuman yet. And I'm not getting up here to say that we absolutely are going to increase age of humans by 30%. But we're on the path to do that we're on the path to prove that we're on the past to keep working on this until this is no longer a great my story. It's a great human story. These five products are released on the market, skin stem hair stem and recti stem and ortho stem skin stem we regenerate skin, hair we sell we regenerate hair erect the stem is particularly for male sexual health, treating erectile dysfunction, or the stem is for treating a knee osteoarthritis. Those four products all have FDA clearance as well as that Bautzen suit which I just showed you, the M power device, which is made for us in Brazil by high tech medical electronics, it's cleared in Brazil, they're going to htm this year is gonna have $150 million in sales just in Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay Lionheart Health, our company has exclusive rights to that product. And we make that product better we make all of these products better using directly stem as a result or as an example of our treatment for erectile dysfunction. Before we met the team in Brazil, they did their own study without us and they use standard signals and a standard stimulator. In their study, they had 20% of the patients that had excellent recovery from erectile dysfunction. We added our patented signals, our patented signals that were designed to not just improve blood flow temporarily, but grow long lasting blood vessels that last over time and have to under the inlining. They're mature and they don't leak. But we don't stop there. We have a whole suite of signals that regenerate muscle, including Klotho, which I mentioned earlier, but also aes 100, a fully studied IGF one. And then we have a whole set of signals for regenerating nerve led by Sonic Hedgehog, limb muscle, and other nerve regeneration proteins. And when you treat erectile dysfunction, and by the way, you know, it's kind of interesting that all those decades of research that we did for heart regeneration, it clearly crossed over to treating erectile dysfunction, improving blood flow, regenerating the muscle regenerating the nerves. In over 100 patients in those trials. We moved from 20% action results to 89%. excellent results. Same hardware, different software. We're a software company, we have over 700 patent claims for bioelectric stimulation sequences for controlling specific protein expressions on demand. The ones that I just talked to you about growing blood vessels, regenerating the muscle and regenerate nerves are just a few of the many that we have. M powers a product for body sculpting those who follow this field of the med spas in the United States, which by the way, the med spa industry in the United States is just booming. The entire field of longevity and wellness is booming. There's no us to be another seven to 10,000 med spas put up in the United States just in the next five or perhaps 10 years. Our generation, my generation, and I can't believe it, but I just turned 61 Our generation more so than any other generation. We're fighting aging. You know in the past, Amy Dr. Amy Kellen is a member of our advisory board and she's famous for saying, you know, people say, age gracefully, she says The heck with aging invasively do we take cancer gracefully? Do we take kidney failure gracefully?
Speaker 1 9:04
Do we take heart failure gracefully? No, we fight it with technology, we fight it with everything we have, and she thinks we should do the same with aging. And that's why she's an advisor to our company. This product M power competes with BLT aesthetics, product called M sculpt and I'm Scott Neal, but we add patented technology to create a better loss of the fat, better toning of the muscles. If you haven't seen the results of M Scott Neal, which is also be the results of M power. It's pretty remarkable. You go in to a med spa, they run these paddles on your stomach and your love handles in your buttocks and after a few sessions you come out with with a much toner body. As part of our business model. We're not only making products and patenting products that we're going to sell to other med spas around the world to sell to other sports medicine clinics. We have an art plan to open up 12 of our own Lionheart, health, longevity and On this med spas around the world part of that is we want it to be a showcase. And part of that is that we want to be able to use it for research. We can tell them excited thanks for listening. The future of longevity and wellness is the combination the convergence of bio electrics, biologics and stem cells and we hope to lead the way. Thank you
Howard Leonhardt is an inventor and serial entrepreneur. He has 21 U.S. patents for products for treating cardiovascular disease. His TALENT stent graft developed in the early 1990′s holds a leading world market share for repairing aortic aneurysms without surgery. His inventions have treated over 200,000 patients in 60 countries.
Howard Leonhardt is an inventor and serial entrepreneur. He has 21 U.S. patents for products for treating cardiovascular disease. His TALENT stent graft developed in the early 1990′s holds a leading world market share for repairing aortic aneurysms without surgery. His inventions have treated over 200,000 patients in 60 countries.
Howard Leonhardt 0:04
All of us are born in our mother's womb. And in that world, bioelectric stimulation, stem cells and biologic support factors helped create who we are. What we're doing with Leonhardt Health is harnessing those natural processes, bioelectric signaling instructions that tell a DNA to build an RNA to build a protein to release a protein for doing something related to healing, or regenerate an organ. In our, in our basic release, we use non invasive bio electric stimulation. And in advanced organs, we use the supplementation of infusing or injecting stem cells and support factors. Today, I'm going to focus more on the non invasive products because they're quicker to market. There's a lot of investors here at this meeting and watching this video. And this is directed to understand that even though some of the great ideas of basically creating a womb for adults which is coming in the future, and mark my words, that the future is you're going to return to a womb that's going to regenerate your body. And a lot of drugs and a lot of devices are going to be obsolete because you're going to be able to regenerate your entire body. We're not talking about doing that in one big leap. But we have introduced some products that we've gotten FDA clearance on, that is the beginning of the future, and we're able to regenerate hair, regenerate skin, restore sexual health, regenerate knees, and we have a really special product called BOD stem that you wear it with exercise, it's FDA cleared for augmenting the benefits of exercise releasing extra skins and malkins proteins that help you regenerate muscle, but those same proteins Klotho and fully statin also help with many anti aging properties, properties or perhaps aging reversal properties. We've been at this a long time we regenerate our first heart in 1988 published that and physiologist, our team led the very first muscle stem cell repair of the human heart in 2001. We went on to complete pilot, phase one, phase two and phase three studies. But recently, we decided to take all that we learned over those decades of research and regenerating hearts and start to apply it to some things that could go to market more quickly. To kick through the FDA more quickly. We have FDA clearance for five products, some of them are pictured here. They the FDA clearance is for improving blood circulation for regenerating muscle treating muscle atrophy treating pain and inflammation treating arthritis including osteoarthritis of the knee, and muscle toning that can be used for many applications. And we have put together a series of products and for the first time in years, we're making a commercial launch of five products. We're targeting these two big markets Fitness and Sports Medicine. Half of our team is at the fitness meeting in San Diego today with a booth exhibiting our products. The other is for longevity, wellness and aesthetics. In the long run, we want to be identified as the world leader in longevity and wellness technologies we want to make 80 the new 50 and this is the beginning of all that non invasive treatments, preventative treatments, non pharmaceutical treatments. This just gives you an idea pictorial of one of our exciting products. This is the one that's on display at the fitness meeting, you exercise with this suit. And you can get the benefits of exercising and exercise in only 20 minutes and you can get the benefits of exercise in three to four hours. And much more than that. This is FDA cleared for big basically building muscle more quickly. But to in order to build muscle more quickly. We have patented signals issued patents for bio electrically increasing the expression of Klotho. If you take anything out of this meeting today, type in those that word Klotho some people pronounce it Klotho it's one of the big five proteins for anti aging. It when you exercise normally, releasing an extra can Klotho or a mile can Klotho is one of the benefits you increase your circulating quota by three to 6%. If you exercise vigorously, two or three times a week, if you add a standard electrical muscle stimulation suit that helps with contractions of your muscle, you can maybe double that from three to 6% to six to 12% we've demonstrated both in our laboratory right here in Irvine, California. In our animal laboratory in San Diego and in clinical patients around the world. We can greatly and dramatically increase your amount of circling klotho far above just normal exercise again normal exercise three to 6% We're coming in at about 150% on average. These Boston personal suits available for sale now. You It's available for 4995 Each and we have financing. In 1997, a team in Japan accidentally blocked the expression of Klotho. In a mice, they went on to do a study and they found out that mice where they did not have close to expression, they died 80% sooner than normal mice and on the way to die, and everything bad associated with aging happened, they lost their hair, their sexual function, their memory, cognitive function, then they took the other side, and they supplemented Klotho in mice. And those mice live 30% longer. And not only do they live 30% longer, but on the way to living 30% longer, they didn't have a lot of the aging related elements. Now, we haven't proven this inhuman yet. And I'm not getting up here to say that we absolutely are going to increase age of humans by 30%. But we're on the path to do that we're on the path to prove that we're on the past to keep working on this until this is no longer a great my story. It's a great human story. These five products are released on the market, skin stem hair stem and recti stem and ortho stem skin stem we regenerate skin, hair we sell we regenerate hair erect the stem is particularly for male sexual health, treating erectile dysfunction, or the stem is for treating a knee osteoarthritis. Those four products all have FDA clearance as well as that Bautzen suit which I just showed you, the M power device, which is made for us in Brazil by high tech medical electronics, it's cleared in Brazil, they're going to htm this year is gonna have $150 million in sales just in Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay Lionheart Health, our company has exclusive rights to that product. And we make that product better we make all of these products better using directly stem as a result or as an example of our treatment for erectile dysfunction. Before we met the team in Brazil, they did their own study without us and they use standard signals and a standard stimulator. In their study, they had 20% of the patients that had excellent recovery from erectile dysfunction. We added our patented signals, our patented signals that were designed to not just improve blood flow temporarily, but grow long lasting blood vessels that last over time and have to under the inlining. They're mature and they don't leak. But we don't stop there. We have a whole suite of signals that regenerate muscle, including Klotho, which I mentioned earlier, but also aes 100, a fully studied IGF one. And then we have a whole set of signals for regenerating nerve led by Sonic Hedgehog, limb muscle, and other nerve regeneration proteins. And when you treat erectile dysfunction, and by the way, you know, it's kind of interesting that all those decades of research that we did for heart regeneration, it clearly crossed over to treating erectile dysfunction, improving blood flow, regenerating the muscle regenerating the nerves. In over 100 patients in those trials. We moved from 20% action results to 89%. excellent results. Same hardware, different software. We're a software company, we have over 700 patent claims for bioelectric stimulation sequences for controlling specific protein expressions on demand. The ones that I just talked to you about growing blood vessels, regenerating the muscle and regenerate nerves are just a few of the many that we have. M powers a product for body sculpting those who follow this field of the med spas in the United States, which by the way, the med spa industry in the United States is just booming. The entire field of longevity and wellness is booming. There's no us to be another seven to 10,000 med spas put up in the United States just in the next five or perhaps 10 years. Our generation, my generation, and I can't believe it, but I just turned 61 Our generation more so than any other generation. We're fighting aging. You know in the past, Amy Dr. Amy Kellen is a member of our advisory board and she's famous for saying, you know, people say, age gracefully, she says The heck with aging invasively do we take cancer gracefully? Do we take kidney failure gracefully?
Speaker 1 9:04
Do we take heart failure gracefully? No, we fight it with technology, we fight it with everything we have, and she thinks we should do the same with aging. And that's why she's an advisor to our company. This product M power competes with BLT aesthetics, product called M sculpt and I'm Scott Neal, but we add patented technology to create a better loss of the fat, better toning of the muscles. If you haven't seen the results of M Scott Neal, which is also be the results of M power. It's pretty remarkable. You go in to a med spa, they run these paddles on your stomach and your love handles in your buttocks and after a few sessions you come out with with a much toner body. As part of our business model. We're not only making products and patenting products that we're going to sell to other med spas around the world to sell to other sports medicine clinics. We have an art plan to open up 12 of our own Lionheart, health, longevity and On this med spas around the world part of that is we want it to be a showcase. And part of that is that we want to be able to use it for research. We can tell them excited thanks for listening. The future of longevity and wellness is the combination the convergence of bio electrics, biologics and stem cells and we hope to lead the way. Thank you
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