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Jay Zhu Presents Ernst & Young at LSI USA '24

The EY Medtech team demonstrates how clients can reimagine their end-to-end business ecosystem to enable both better care delivery and long-term growth.
Jay Zhu
Jay Zhu
Ernst & Young

Jay Zhu  0:03  
My name is Jay Zhu. I'm a partner with Ernst Young, I lead our med tech strategy and commercial practice, I also do a lot of working m&a transactions. So it's an honor here today to talk a little bit about earnest young, but most importantly, is to introduce several fantastic new technology and great leaders. So let's jump in. So first of all, I guess who, who doesn't know Ernest young in this room? Kidding me? And but how many of you know that we have a dedicated medtech? Practice? Zero. Wow. So then my talk will be useful. So what I will share is really tell you a little bit about our med tech practice, we are really unique consulting company in the consulting industry. So most of our team in the dedicated med tech practice, they are truly passionate about my tech industry, they really enjoy solving problems for our clients, instead of just getting promoted or getting paid. Right. So many times we don't talk about the fees timeline that a lot we really focus on, how can we solve the problem for our client. So as you can see, our mission is really to enable medtech manufacturer researchers, as well as investors to create higher value to the overall healthcare ecosystem. And every time when we do project we use that to evaluate whether we are delivering value or now instead of measuring ourselves whether we are achieving our revenue, target or not. And then the way we do that is really based on two unique differentiator. Like I said, we are dedicated med tech practice. So most of our team members either used to work in the med tech industry know the industry very well, or people like me, lifetime consultant, but always been dedicated to the medtech industry. So we work across different sector, we know the sector in and out. So when we start work, we don't need people to teach us we always bring perspective. And then many times we don't do work before we do the work. We already sharing perspective. One analogy, I always tell my clients, if you ask me, How long does it take for me to drive from my home to the airport, I don't need to do work, I can tell you immediately. But if you ask someone else, they will need to send the people to come to my house, rent a car, drive to the airport 10 times take an average then eventually give you the answer. The two answer might be similar, but you are wasting time to use some wrong consultant, right. And then the other thing I'm very proud of is when we work with clients very client centric, we focus on deliver client value, we focus on delivering a really delightful client experience, instead of just trying to get the work down being transactional. So let me tell you guys a little bit the service that we provide. So firstly, in terms of clients, we serve a large variety of clients. We work with startup, we work with large strategic as well. We work with research institution, we work with investors, we work with some of the other ecosystem players as well personally, I also do work with providers, distributor payers, and then many times I can bring the perspective from their, you know, business to my Mehta clients to be very impactful. And on the right hand side are some of our services. Really full range of strategy transaction, commercial, operational, regulatory cybersecurity tax, like you can read it a lot of different services, we have teams specializing the services. And then last slide I want to emphasize is we are also a very sizable investment banking company. So we have healthcare, med tech specific, specific invest bankers, as you can see a lot of data in terms of, you know, over 150 deals we have, or sorry, over 150 investment bankers focused on healthcare. We have supported over 2000 transactions since 2017. So a lot of you know experiencing this area


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