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Joe Connell, Neuesse - Studio Interview | LSI USA '24

NeuEsse Inc.’s mission is to provide technology to embrace the many challenges of maintaining healthy skin.
Joe Connell
Joe Connell

Joe Connell  0:00  
Hi, I'm Joe Connell. I'm the founder and CEO of NeuEsse. NeuEsse, Incorporated is a company commercializing a human skin substitute made from soy protein. And what we do is take pure protein from soy we electro spin it into sheets of readily available skin. What we've done so far is prove full thickness wounds have healed with minimal to no scar, and the patient will have intact hair follicles and sweat glands after therapy. If you compare that to any occlusive bandage that leaves the patient with a thick, slicked scar, it's much preferable for the appearance, but it works better. It's orders of magnitude less expensive to manufacture, and there are cultures and religions around the world that won't accept my competition. It's a crowded market in wound healing, of course, but the competition is made of pigs, cows, cadavers, the newer products from neonatal foreskins and amniotic tissue. So it's much preferable to have an all natural plant based skin substitute. Works better and costless. The Omega skin is the name of my product. It is packaged individual doses the doctor or wound clinic applies it to the to the patient. The skin goes into the wound, absorbs all the exudate, and it becomes your body. It's sort of revolutionary, because it doesn't come out. It becomes your body, the largest organ in the body, and nobody gets out of life without damaging it. So the market is enormous. It's about $35 billion for acute wounds. $20 billion just for bed sores alone. So if you take in burn victims, diabetic foot ulcers, and we haven't even transgressed into dermatology, beauty, esthetics, animal health. We're pre FDA approval. We have two tests left to go, biocompatibility and stability, once we prove that we're going to package it up, apply for a device, application, 510, k, for the FDA submission. I look for that to be done in October. My second product on the market that will be on the market is a liquid, sprayable skin. I've got a proprietary skin gun to deliver it, and we can spray skin onto the patient without touching them. If you've ever known anyone with a severe burn, this is a godsend. They don't want to be touched by salves, bandages, nurses, and we can spray it on the patient without touching also, diabetic foot ulcer doesn't give us the luxury of being square or round to fit our bandages. It's asymmetrical. We can spray that cavity with liquid skin that doesn't crack, peel or leave it's going to be a very favorable treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. On top of that, we have research going on that will prove, once we publish it, this is the perfect platform technology for delivering stem cells and growth factors. We can also add antimicrobials, antifungals, so the pipeline is pretty rich with potential. I'm a burn victim, and I've had skin grafting, and I'm in this to help as many people as possible to prevent as many skin grafting as possible.


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