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Juan C. Jimenez Presents AccurKardia at LSI USA '23

AccurKardia is a digital-first and software-only healthcare company focused on enabling a world in which a combination of smart devices, reliable and actionable data, and efficient clinical intervention can together improve medical outcomes and save lives.
Juan Jimenez
Juan Jimenez
Co-Founder and CEO, AccurKardia


Juan C. Jimenez  0:05  

Good morning. I am one human as co founder and CEO of AccurKardia. Thank you, LSI for organizing this wonderful event. In AccurKardia, we're building device agnostic ECG interpretation software to improve cardiac care worldwide. We combine AI and non AI techniques to deliver our solution on the cloud on device and at the edge. Meet Alice. Alice is an active 60 year old female that has recently become aware over to heart health during the heart Awareness Month. She's very active, she might explore some solutions herself, she might get a fitness tracker or consumer wearable with an ECG sensor. Also, she might approach her primary care physician and fight her way to a cardiologist. And our cardiologists may prescribe an impatient ECG recording or a more thorough recording such a Holter monitor or a cardiac patch for one or two weeks. As part of this experience, he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, commonly known as a firm. In her brief experience, she noticed that the solutions in the market were highly fragmented. She couldn't get a clinical interpretation from the ECG recording coming from her consumer device. And the clinical interpretation from the clinical device took days and even weeks to arrive. Alice is not alone. 18% of Americans over the age of 65 suffer from heart disease. 5% of Americans over the age of 18 suffer from a cardiac arrhythmia, heart disease, believe it or not continue to be the leading cause of death in America. As Alice, most of these Americans every day cannot share with the physician the ECG interpretation coming from the consumer devices, or the interpretation from the clinical devices takes days and weeks to arrive Delaine prompt treatment and losing lives. Given the severity of this problem. The cardiac monitoring market in both the clinical and consumer segment are massive and expected to grow at double digits. ECG is at the core of cardiac care. And it is a major expense. The ECG interpretation components from the recording coming from your Holter monitors cardiac patches, and MCPS is over $5 billion in the US alone, just the non medical component, according to Medicare reimbursement rates. On the consumer wearables side, there have been a hybrid perforation of these devices, and more and more common with ECG sensors. Our goal is to deliver at worst solution to a device makers both in the clinical and consumer segment, remote patient monitoring companies and telehealth service providers. Our aim is to capture 20 to 30% of the ECG interpretation spent of the non medical component for a target TAM of $1.25 billion in the US alone, according to our own estimate. And given the high demand for this consumer devices with ECG sensors, we estimate that the clinical ECG monitoring component could be $300 million annually and growing rapidly. In AccurKardia, we will be the solution of choice for ECG interpretation space in a device agnostic matter. We have been able to build this solution with clinical grade accuracy, provide results in near real time, we need 10 seconds of ECG data to produce our first output and we can update our model for every subsequent millisecond. Therefore, we can provide our clinical ECG interpretation to physicians in a matter of minutes, rather than days or weeks, helping us treat patient earlier and save lives. Our diagnosis coverage includes 40 Plus conditions, even though our first 510 K filing includes for diagnosis for up to 12 different rhythms. Our clinical workflow is integrated with the current workflows in the market. Our output is reimbursable. From day one, let me repeat, we don't need to lobby for a new CPT code reimbursement rate with different payers. Most payers remote reimburse automated ECG interpretation today. And our product has a low compute footprint that that enables to work at the edge on the cloud or not device this flexibility can enable us to Help. In areas where there is limited internet connectivity, or there's issues accessing the cloud or for cybersecurity policies, our partner may require us to work on premise. Our pipeline includes accuracy D, which is the use case for halter cardiac patches, even monitors, um MCDs. That broader we submit a 510 K A few months ago and we are waiting for FDA feedback. AccurBeat, which is our use case for recording coming from consumer devices is in the clinical validation phase. We conducted our first clinical study with an Apple Watch in SUNY Downstate in Brooklyn, and we are continuing to clinical validation and effort throughout this year. And our third product is AccurAPI, which we can see their accuracy on steroids, which is a more powerful, flexible and scalable solution, our first product, and that product is still under development, and we expect to initiate clinical validation later this year. Our team includes scientists, clinicians, and healthcare professionals led by our core leadership team. Today we have in the audience, Naveen Srinivasa, our Chief Scientist, who has a unique expertise in both hardware and software, and AI making him of great value to our company. In addition, we have sonically our chief technology officer and chief product officer, who is a seasoned entrepreneur with former senior manager Accenture, who has executed projects a large scale globally. And we couldn't have done and apply this knowledge into the clinical space without the leadership of Dr. Nath Rossby, who is our Chief Medical Officer. He is a practicing cardiologist in the UK who has been trained both in the US and the UK. Given the impact that IQ cardio will provide, and the value of our technology, we have been lucky to be able to recruit some of the best advisors that we could have achieved. We have cardiologist for top institutions, we have a proven intrapreneurs and seasoned healthcare executives that have deployed to market several technologies of our nature. So far, we were founded in 2018. Even though the r&d predates our formation. We started r&d efforts in 2015. And so far, we have been focused on technology products and Regulatory Affairs. We were able to announce last year, a couple of r&d collaboration agreement with key players. As I said before, we had our first clinical study at SUNY Downstate We submitted our 510K, we close our city set funding round last year. We are completely announced last week we joined cohort three of Mayo Clinic platform accelerate, Mayo Clinic platform accelerate is Mayo Clinic's accelerator. For companies in the AI space to supercharge our development, we are going to be able to access databases with more than 10 million patients and have mentors of some of the best minds in healthcare. We are going to raise our Series A round later this year if you want to join us in our efforts to improve patient outcomes, improve patient experience, reduce interpretation costs, or save meaningful millions of lives. Please join us. Thanks LSI for organizing this wonderful event and thank you for your attention


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