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Juan C. Jimenez, AccurKardia - An ECG-Led Diagnostics Software Company | LSI USA ‘24

AccurKardia is unlocking the value of the ECG signal towards broad diagnostics coverage and disease management in cardiology and beyond.
Juan C. Jimenez
Juan C. Jimenez

Juan C. Jimenez  0:04  
Let me introduce you to Alice. Alice, like millions of Americans is experiencing some form of cardiovascular disease. So she received her cardiologist, her cardiologist prescribed her to wear a Holter monitor for 48 hours. She wears the device, the data is obtained from the device and its interpretation needs to happen. And this is when the problem starts. Are this data is sent off premise to a cardiac technician lab. When our cardiac technician prepares a report for her cardiologist to review, this interpretation process can take anywhere from several days to several weeks. And during this waiting game, Alice, like some 1000s of fellow Americans are in real danger on something catastrophic happening to her. This is unacceptable, or must change. I am one human as co founder and CEO of AccurKardia. And together with my team, we are doing just that AccurKardia to build technology to provide ECG interpretation software on a global scale to improve patient outcomes and save lives. ECG is an old technology widely used in cardiac care. More than 300 million ECGs are performed worldwide, and more than 100 million perform here in America. With the advent of consumer devices, this number is growing exponentially. But current clinical ECG interpretation methods to manage the growing demand are simply inadequate interpretation accuracy are inadequate, and not for what is required. As I mentioned before, interpretation times can take anywhere from several days to several weeks. And over the last few years, there have been margin pressures for most cardiac monitoring companies and device makers due to drastic cuts in reimbursement rates by Medicare. And this is how AccurKardia is solving this problem. We have built an automated ECG interpretation platform in order to improve access to this technology outside the clinic, reduce interpretation costs and improve quality and service. We also believe that we're at the inflection point to use ECG as a broad biomarker beyond cardiology because of three main components. One is the massification of ECG sensors. Second are the advancement in AI and compute capacity. And third is the adaption and rise of telehealth AccurKardia technology can provide near real time interpretation we can we need just an initial intake of 10 seconds, and we can update our output for every subsequent millisecond. We can perform analysis on short duration ECGs and long duration ECGs including mobile cardiac telemetry, we provide a broad diagnosis coverage we can identify up to 40 different event types, and also using ECGs for use cases that typically ECGs are not used today. And finally, we are integrated with current clinical workflows without creating any disruption for a healthcare system. Our first product launch last year is an accurate CG is an FDA cleared class to software as medical device indicated for adults, it can provide automated interpretation for most clinical grade devices available in America. It can be accessed via web or via custom API. Accurate CG can provide bit by bit analysis, heart rate measurements, BAC mpbc detection, including automated interpretation for 13 Clinical relevant rhythms, including afib, Florida, among many others. And as I mentioned before, it can identify up to 40 different event types and we're working our validation to expand our label indication as we speak. But let me go back to our story. This time, Alice is prescribed with a Holter monitor fully equipped and loaded with accurate CG. This time her doctors receive her report in a matter of hours instead of days and weak, so her treatment can start early, so improving her outcomes. Accuracy G can reduce interpretation time of the cardiac technician by up to 70%. The commercial opportunity for AccurKardia is massive. In particular, the halter and cardiac patch use case. Each year there are more than 6 million patients in the US prescribe with a halter or cardiac patch monitor and more than 2 million prescribe without When recorder or MCAT device, if we apply national average and burn rate by Medicare, that technical interpretation component of this use case alone is more than $5 billion per year. Also, accuracy D can be used for retrospective analysis of ECG data stored in the electronic medical records of health and healthcare systems. One use case that we that we have prepared is our collaboration we lose some health lucem build rebuild, rebuild for stroke, a solution for healthcare system to identify patients with high propensity for ischemic stroke. By detecting on diagnosed cases of AFib and Florida and directing them to proper treatment stroke risk could be reduced by up to saving 67% In most cases. AccurKardia has a strong pipeline beyond arrhythmia detection. We have built and validated three promising models. One of them is an ECG model to monitor for patients of hyperkalemia in the ESRD population using lead one ECG data. We also have built a model to screen for cardiac Amyloidosis using 12 lead ECG there. And also we have built a model to the tech patient with our tick box stenosis that could be potential candidate for TAVR using 12 lead ECG data. These three models were initially validated using retrospective data from Mayo Clinic. And just last week, we obtain an IRB approval from a major academic medical center in Texas to continue our clinical evaluation of these three products with a different population setting. Our team has been working together for more than five years. And it combines clinical business and technical acumen including insider and outsider mentality. We also have been able to recruit top talent recently, mine who's already joined the team of chief product officer, an industry veteran with more than 20 years of experience in the med device space with relevant experience in with players such as GE HealthCare, Edwards, among others. Also, we have been able to recruit top advisors, and recently we are honored to announce that three new advisors have joined our team, Ken Nelson and James Landis, our go to market and strategic leaders in the cardiac monitoring space. And also Francisco Martorell has joined the team of seasoned executive in the healthcare insurance industry with relevant experience in our major BlueCross BlueShield licensee with more than 1 million members. Together with internal team. These advisors mentor and help us increase our resources for execution. AccurKardia was founded in 2019. But the IP work predates our formation by four years. Last year were very active for us. We join and participated in the Mayo Clinic platform accelerate program, we close our price seed round, we obtain our first FDA clearance and we signed our first commercial customer. The path forward is crystal clear for us. We are looking to expand our clinical research partnerships, we are looking to increase our pipeline and also we are looking to meet potential investors for our future capital needs. If you want to join our effort to improve patient outcomes and save lives on a global scale, leveraging ECG in cardiology and beyond. Please reach out to us. Thank you and my deepest gratitude to LSI for organizing this wonderful event.


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