Oliver Delporte 0:01
Thank you SSI. Thank you LSI. So Olivier Delporte, CEO of SamanTree Medical. So today I'm going to bring you to the world of interventional oncology, and specifically cancer surgery. With the scanner that you see there, we allow the surgeon to decide in the operating room if he or she has got enough, but not too much, not too much. But enough. Prior to that, disclaimers, the device, the historic scanner is not yet approved for sale, or use in the United States. And what is the history log scanner and the history lock solution. This is a view of the complete solution. I showed you the scanner, that's what we're talking about. It's the core piece of the solution, it's central. So that's really microscopy brought to the operating room. It's used with consumables there basically to use for each procedure, ie a histologic. Dip, and the dish. I'll show you in a second how it's used, complemented by our digital solution, which allows for Remote Connectivity, ie the device can be connected to a pathology lab or to a pathologist, wherever he or she is, there is AI in development to improve and accelerate the human eye performance and integration into DICOM into PAC system of the hospitals. But an image or video is actually worth much more than a few words. So let's take a look at how it's used in a standard cancer surgery procedure whether it's breast, prostate, e and t. The preparation is that the histologic dip, which is our proprietary solution is prepared and saline. Once a tumor is resected, it's going to be dipped 10 seconds into our solution. It will then be rinsed a couple of seconds, then dried and then positions on or histologic dish which is on the scanner to allow for the imaging the imaging of the margin so of the tissue, which is flat horizontal on the scanner positioned on the dip and what it does in 50 seconds five zero seconds. The scanner generates a histology like image, two micron resolution image on the scanner screen, which can be connected remotely to a pathologist lowing for the surgeons helped by supported by pathologist if the case in that use case or in that country because that's healthcare system specific to decide if a further cut is needed. And so it's an easy workflow 15 seconds prep 50 seconds per image. And the physicians will decide if they image 234 sites typically two to four to decide in the operating room surgeon or surgeons and pathologist to if they have cut enough or they need to cut further. So the unicity is the speed at which a high resolution to micron resolution image is generated in the operating room with an easy workflow, which does not impact any subsequent hnd or histopathology assessments and a field of view which is almost 20 square centimeters allowing for large specimens to be imaged. So, with that solution, basically what we do is replace histopathology or and frozen section analysis standard histopathology takes days, two weeks, if not a month, sometimes frozen section analysis done by pathologist intraoperatively takes 40 5060 minutes and pathologists do not like it. It's not their DNA, their DNA is images not being in the operating room. So in a few minutes, we bring we basically decision making to the operating room. If we look at it in terms of landscape and comparison to other imaging techniques, there are a number of techniques to assess tumors to assess the to assess cancer on tumors in vivo ex vivo. The unicity of the technology allows for a very high resolution higher than anything related to MRI or based on MRI or CT or X ray and it's done in the operating room in minutes, which brings microscopy to the operating room. The prevalence of the solution has allowed for a variety of use cases and it has been used in a variety of cancer surgeries biopsy cases it is being used as we speak from breast to prostate to e and t to skin to lung to GI and there are some use cases appearing as we go since the device se Mark used in Europe and commercial in Europe and new users are broadening use cases by themselves. So very interesting to see actually how this is broadening. No, no point of talking about The, you know, the markets given the political ends of the system, it's a multibillion dollar total market availability or total available market opportunity, reimbursement health economic value proposition. So what has been shown and is being done both real in real world and in clinical studies is that the history log allows for very strong accuracy very similar to frozen section or histopathology. Very fast. So basically, the key of the value prop is it can improve patient outcomes by deciding in the operating room if you still have a positive margin to cut further, or, and to do it faster than frozen section, or histopathology. So, basically, again, for the patient and or time for the providers. I talked about clinical studies, this is a snapshot of some of the clinical results presented. So we have nine peer reviewed publications in or key markets or TB chats, prostate and breast. What's been shown in prostate is that basically, it was equivalent inaccuracy to frozen section analysis neuro safe, but in five to eight minutes versus 50 minutes, so a significant gain in time, you can save a procedure a day, if they do that, instead of frozen section on the rest site. It's been used that history log would allow to reduce the reintervention rates by north of 70%. With that, as I said, we're commercial in Europe not approved yet, in the United States. The business model, since you've seen the solution, consumables a piece of equipment, the consumables and the digital feature, the current business model in Europe is to sell or lease the scanner, sell the consumables one set per surgery. And the plan is to monetize some of the digital features like Remote Connectivity, which are very appealing to pathologists from a workflow efficiency standpoint, and or AI. All of it is combinable into a price per procedure p three model, which in the US will certainly be part of the offering. And so in Europe, we have tripled sales from late 22, when real sales started to two or 23, which was the first year of sales were in the seven digits. So it's early commercialization planning on triple that to in 2024. And launching in the US in late 2024. This is the strat map, high level it's growing or US sales, launching in the US after an FDA clearance plan for the second semester. So launching end of the year, while working on clinical data to feed into reimbursement and work on reimbursement there are CPT codes and some indications that we can use. But of course, reimbursement is top of mind in us and the key countries clinical there are a number of studies going on into beachhead markets, there will be more lung is for example, an area which is very exciting. We have a couple of dozen cases done, we will do more and a prospective study in lung this year. And the product will continue to evolve, including the digital features commercial launches, which are planned for this year in Europe. And that will continue to clinically validate for the US as well as some hardware improvements. The team so as I say I play professor I think the credits but it's really the team doing it. So very proud, very fortunate to have a great pulverulent team. With today a chairman in the US the rest of us currently talking to people to assemble the senior US team, very experienced very capable coming from the space coming from large companies, small companies, so they make it happen. And finally, why am I here we'll talk about salmon tree, of course, socializing ants, to finance the company. We have a series be 20 to 25 million rounds ongoing. We've had a first closing a month ago in Feb. A little bit under $10 million. So we have up to $15 million open. If interested, you know where to find me. It will finance commercialization, some clinical data and product development. As usual. Thank you very much for your attention and happy to talk offline. Thank you
Oliver Delporte 0:01
Thank you SSI. Thank you LSI. So Olivier Delporte, CEO of SamanTree Medical. So today I'm going to bring you to the world of interventional oncology, and specifically cancer surgery. With the scanner that you see there, we allow the surgeon to decide in the operating room if he or she has got enough, but not too much, not too much. But enough. Prior to that, disclaimers, the device, the historic scanner is not yet approved for sale, or use in the United States. And what is the history log scanner and the history lock solution. This is a view of the complete solution. I showed you the scanner, that's what we're talking about. It's the core piece of the solution, it's central. So that's really microscopy brought to the operating room. It's used with consumables there basically to use for each procedure, ie a histologic. Dip, and the dish. I'll show you in a second how it's used, complemented by our digital solution, which allows for Remote Connectivity, ie the device can be connected to a pathology lab or to a pathologist, wherever he or she is, there is AI in development to improve and accelerate the human eye performance and integration into DICOM into PAC system of the hospitals. But an image or video is actually worth much more than a few words. So let's take a look at how it's used in a standard cancer surgery procedure whether it's breast, prostate, e and t. The preparation is that the histologic dip, which is our proprietary solution is prepared and saline. Once a tumor is resected, it's going to be dipped 10 seconds into our solution. It will then be rinsed a couple of seconds, then dried and then positions on or histologic dish which is on the scanner to allow for the imaging the imaging of the margin so of the tissue, which is flat horizontal on the scanner positioned on the dip and what it does in 50 seconds five zero seconds. The scanner generates a histology like image, two micron resolution image on the scanner screen, which can be connected remotely to a pathologist lowing for the surgeons helped by supported by pathologist if the case in that use case or in that country because that's healthcare system specific to decide if a further cut is needed. And so it's an easy workflow 15 seconds prep 50 seconds per image. And the physicians will decide if they image 234 sites typically two to four to decide in the operating room surgeon or surgeons and pathologist to if they have cut enough or they need to cut further. So the unicity is the speed at which a high resolution to micron resolution image is generated in the operating room with an easy workflow, which does not impact any subsequent hnd or histopathology assessments and a field of view which is almost 20 square centimeters allowing for large specimens to be imaged. So, with that solution, basically what we do is replace histopathology or and frozen section analysis standard histopathology takes days, two weeks, if not a month, sometimes frozen section analysis done by pathologist intraoperatively takes 40 5060 minutes and pathologists do not like it. It's not their DNA, their DNA is images not being in the operating room. So in a few minutes, we bring we basically decision making to the operating room. If we look at it in terms of landscape and comparison to other imaging techniques, there are a number of techniques to assess tumors to assess the to assess cancer on tumors in vivo ex vivo. The unicity of the technology allows for a very high resolution higher than anything related to MRI or based on MRI or CT or X ray and it's done in the operating room in minutes, which brings microscopy to the operating room. The prevalence of the solution has allowed for a variety of use cases and it has been used in a variety of cancer surgeries biopsy cases it is being used as we speak from breast to prostate to e and t to skin to lung to GI and there are some use cases appearing as we go since the device se Mark used in Europe and commercial in Europe and new users are broadening use cases by themselves. So very interesting to see actually how this is broadening. No, no point of talking about The, you know, the markets given the political ends of the system, it's a multibillion dollar total market availability or total available market opportunity, reimbursement health economic value proposition. So what has been shown and is being done both real in real world and in clinical studies is that the history log allows for very strong accuracy very similar to frozen section or histopathology. Very fast. So basically, the key of the value prop is it can improve patient outcomes by deciding in the operating room if you still have a positive margin to cut further, or, and to do it faster than frozen section, or histopathology. So, basically, again, for the patient and or time for the providers. I talked about clinical studies, this is a snapshot of some of the clinical results presented. So we have nine peer reviewed publications in or key markets or TB chats, prostate and breast. What's been shown in prostate is that basically, it was equivalent inaccuracy to frozen section analysis neuro safe, but in five to eight minutes versus 50 minutes, so a significant gain in time, you can save a procedure a day, if they do that, instead of frozen section on the rest site. It's been used that history log would allow to reduce the reintervention rates by north of 70%. With that, as I said, we're commercial in Europe not approved yet, in the United States. The business model, since you've seen the solution, consumables a piece of equipment, the consumables and the digital feature, the current business model in Europe is to sell or lease the scanner, sell the consumables one set per surgery. And the plan is to monetize some of the digital features like Remote Connectivity, which are very appealing to pathologists from a workflow efficiency standpoint, and or AI. All of it is combinable into a price per procedure p three model, which in the US will certainly be part of the offering. And so in Europe, we have tripled sales from late 22, when real sales started to two or 23, which was the first year of sales were in the seven digits. So it's early commercialization planning on triple that to in 2024. And launching in the US in late 2024. This is the strat map, high level it's growing or US sales, launching in the US after an FDA clearance plan for the second semester. So launching end of the year, while working on clinical data to feed into reimbursement and work on reimbursement there are CPT codes and some indications that we can use. But of course, reimbursement is top of mind in us and the key countries clinical there are a number of studies going on into beachhead markets, there will be more lung is for example, an area which is very exciting. We have a couple of dozen cases done, we will do more and a prospective study in lung this year. And the product will continue to evolve, including the digital features commercial launches, which are planned for this year in Europe. And that will continue to clinically validate for the US as well as some hardware improvements. The team so as I say I play professor I think the credits but it's really the team doing it. So very proud, very fortunate to have a great pulverulent team. With today a chairman in the US the rest of us currently talking to people to assemble the senior US team, very experienced very capable coming from the space coming from large companies, small companies, so they make it happen. And finally, why am I here we'll talk about salmon tree, of course, socializing ants, to finance the company. We have a series be 20 to 25 million rounds ongoing. We've had a first closing a month ago in Feb. A little bit under $10 million. So we have up to $15 million open. If interested, you know where to find me. It will finance commercialization, some clinical data and product development. As usual. Thank you very much for your attention and happy to talk offline. Thank you
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