Sandeep Chauhan 0:00
I'm privileged to be here today, from amazing innovators. I'm going to talk to you about our total digital surgery solution. My name is Sandeep Chauhan, I'm a practicing orthopedic surgeon and the co founder CEO of Definition Health, I lead a team of 20 different clinicians and an experienced board in launching this segment about my journey, because this is a relationship type meeting, I've been an innovator for the last 20 years. This is a picture of me at the American Academy meeting, I had a bit more hair then in 2002, launching computers in surgery. And I pioneered computing, navigation globally taught over 500 surgeons throughout the world. And it's an interesting experience being an innovator. But as an innovator, you have to challenge convention as well join that journey. I spoke to my American colleagues, all of her had their own private surgical centers. So said, Well, why can't we have this in the UK, people said you couldn't do it. And I decided you could have 45 million pounds later, we will be the first in vitam. And data for me has been hugely important in my surgical journey outcomes. And the data at the bottom here that complicated graph is one national joint registry is the best registry in the world. It has the most patients in the world. And we are mandated to register all our patients and all their data in that registry. Every year it gets produced those complex blue dots are every surgeon, UK, the further on the right, you go and the lower you go, the better results. And I'm pleased to say 2212 is me. The combination of technologies helped me become a really, really good surgeon being innovative. And mission, from my experience is to change how we deliver surgical care globally, whether it be in the UK now, in Africa, where we've also deployed or in America where we're going to deploy can we use effective digital communication monitoring to improve care, because the problems we face globally, not just in the UK, there are millions of patients waiting to have surgery in the UK alone. 6.8 million patients waiting. And these patients have no visibility about their treatment options. Often the materials we give them as professionals are really quite poor, they don't understand them. From a hospital point of view at the bottom. We're massively understaffed. You heard that from Bernard for you, if you nearly a talk. And it's not difficult to understand in the US why that's a problem because Walmart pays $35 an hour to stack shelves. That's why they're losing all their nurses in the US. We have agendas, national agendas, such as zero carbon footprints. And one of the points we have is unless we actually get patients along that journey correctly, we lose operating time and space. And operating theatres are the engines of most hospitals. And in the NHS, it costs us between two and 400 million pounds a year of lost revenue. Then when the patients had to operation they go home, they often feel isolated, and that needs to be attended the hospitals or the acute surgical centers in America. And the problem is in UK 30 Day readmissions costs us 1.2 billion pounds. So how do we solve this? Well, by using digital technology, we can track patients, we can help augment their journeys, they still want to see searches, they still want to see the white two eyes, but we can augment them and actually avoid appointments, we can change how we deliver information, we consumerize that information by delivering the right information to the patient at the right time, which has added benefits because it draws in their families and friends and their support networks, which actually makes that care much better. We deliver all the information in one place and improve communication that save lots of money. From a hospital point of view. What it does is improves efficiency. It enables us to identify risks really, really early in a surgical pathway to start optimizing patients, as opposed to just before surgery. The solution has a patient app, which is delivered and each patient's securely linked to a hospital. All their information is delivered to them. And they as patients deliver all their health information to the hospital remotely securely. It's great because patients can do this at home. You don't have taken hour off work to go into hospital and do this. So it's very time consuming hospitals and receive that information and can start optimizing patients really, really early. And optimization is really really key. A big US study of 4 million joint replacements done in multiple centers in the USA showed the failure to optimize costs hospitals up to $3,000 per case. It also by just following a clinical pathway improves coding coding revenue for hospitals. So we proved time and time again that we can improve hospital revenue by improving their coding Bill wrote showed in Florida that failure to code 10 comorbidities cost up to $2,000 per day case of lost revenue. So our value props is simply for patients, we improve communication, we educate them better, and we reduce hospital visits. For hospitals, we are improving their efficiency, improving cost savings and reducing the manpower pressures we face as clinicians every day. And actually, for the wider health economy, having better prepare patients is good for all of us, we waste less resources. And we improve on that competition by reducing travel, reducing paper, and all those other aspects associated with a patient. And we have lots of real world evidence to show this. We've done lots of studies are independent, which show improve capacity, improve improved efficiency, and reduce costs. And because of this, we were awarded a National Innovation Fellowship here in the UK, which is fairly prestigious to roll out our technology throughout the UK, to help hospitals will come from COVID. Try to award wherever 100,000 patients go through the system. It's very effective, multiple hospitals, multiple advocates multiple awards. The key thing now is we have even more traction in the NHS here in the UK, multiple hospitals. These are examples of hospitals that have signed up within the last six months range from mid sized hospitals to the biggest trust the biggest hospital in the UK, Bart's NHS, we put 2.4 million pounds of seed investment into the project, we've increased our revenue by 400%. And our first year's revenue is shortly going to arrive. underpinning this key clinical aspect is our data platform. Because as we collect data from patients before the operation after operation, it all gets delivered into our data platform. Today, we have over 100,000 data sets, that's 100,000 patients, not individual points, 100,000 patients, so their data by 2023, we have 300,000 patients. And the key is we connect the whole pathway to patients pre health to what happens to them afterwards. And actually using deep AI, we can start learning about what patients for what procedure or have what risk, and we can start modifying what we do to those patients beforehand to prevent those complications occurring. Just as importantly, we get interrupted data. The little diagram or graphic on your right is robotic surgery. That's the data we get from robotic surgery. And that's really important for you to understand because the graph I showed you in the second slide was 18 year follow up. Robotic companies can't wait 18 years to prove the evidence that their technology works. We need to get it much much earlier. And on your right is it was a simple video taken and downloaded onto a platform. When I started as a trainee surgeon, we had paper. Now patients want video into their files into their media, they want to know what's going on with them. For that data platform we can get health population data about specific procedures. So for example, this the hospital wants to know about its prostate cancer patients on the top is robotic prostatectomy on the bottom is radiotherapy for the same group of patients within that hospital. We've given them patient step of finger. we can deliver data driven education. So this is 35,000 patients and in some sent them we found they have type two diabetes, a risk factor surgery, we have to deliver automated education and monitoring. And we control pathway design as well. A market did surgical market globe is about 35 billion pounds. Our customers range from surgeons ASCs in America to hospitals, medical device industries, robotics, public health, Pharma. And our business model is a simple SaaS based business business model for our modules. Our entry into us which was just started by a partnership with the US robotics company, with a distribution network, and introverts with EMR systems. So I asked it simple. If you're strategic in the room in a surgical field, we'd love to talk to you can we help each other's journey? And if you're an investor, we're about to start our van we'd like to learn more about you and knew about us. Thanks for your time.
A experienced Surgeon and digital pioneer who regularly disrupts normal traditional process to produce beneficial change to patients and fellow staff.
A experienced Surgeon and digital pioneer who regularly disrupts normal traditional process to produce beneficial change to patients and fellow staff.
Sandeep Chauhan 0:00
I'm privileged to be here today, from amazing innovators. I'm going to talk to you about our total digital surgery solution. My name is Sandeep Chauhan, I'm a practicing orthopedic surgeon and the co founder CEO of Definition Health, I lead a team of 20 different clinicians and an experienced board in launching this segment about my journey, because this is a relationship type meeting, I've been an innovator for the last 20 years. This is a picture of me at the American Academy meeting, I had a bit more hair then in 2002, launching computers in surgery. And I pioneered computing, navigation globally taught over 500 surgeons throughout the world. And it's an interesting experience being an innovator. But as an innovator, you have to challenge convention as well join that journey. I spoke to my American colleagues, all of her had their own private surgical centers. So said, Well, why can't we have this in the UK, people said you couldn't do it. And I decided you could have 45 million pounds later, we will be the first in vitam. And data for me has been hugely important in my surgical journey outcomes. And the data at the bottom here that complicated graph is one national joint registry is the best registry in the world. It has the most patients in the world. And we are mandated to register all our patients and all their data in that registry. Every year it gets produced those complex blue dots are every surgeon, UK, the further on the right, you go and the lower you go, the better results. And I'm pleased to say 2212 is me. The combination of technologies helped me become a really, really good surgeon being innovative. And mission, from my experience is to change how we deliver surgical care globally, whether it be in the UK now, in Africa, where we've also deployed or in America where we're going to deploy can we use effective digital communication monitoring to improve care, because the problems we face globally, not just in the UK, there are millions of patients waiting to have surgery in the UK alone. 6.8 million patients waiting. And these patients have no visibility about their treatment options. Often the materials we give them as professionals are really quite poor, they don't understand them. From a hospital point of view at the bottom. We're massively understaffed. You heard that from Bernard for you, if you nearly a talk. And it's not difficult to understand in the US why that's a problem because Walmart pays $35 an hour to stack shelves. That's why they're losing all their nurses in the US. We have agendas, national agendas, such as zero carbon footprints. And one of the points we have is unless we actually get patients along that journey correctly, we lose operating time and space. And operating theatres are the engines of most hospitals. And in the NHS, it costs us between two and 400 million pounds a year of lost revenue. Then when the patients had to operation they go home, they often feel isolated, and that needs to be attended the hospitals or the acute surgical centers in America. And the problem is in UK 30 Day readmissions costs us 1.2 billion pounds. So how do we solve this? Well, by using digital technology, we can track patients, we can help augment their journeys, they still want to see searches, they still want to see the white two eyes, but we can augment them and actually avoid appointments, we can change how we deliver information, we consumerize that information by delivering the right information to the patient at the right time, which has added benefits because it draws in their families and friends and their support networks, which actually makes that care much better. We deliver all the information in one place and improve communication that save lots of money. From a hospital point of view. What it does is improves efficiency. It enables us to identify risks really, really early in a surgical pathway to start optimizing patients, as opposed to just before surgery. The solution has a patient app, which is delivered and each patient's securely linked to a hospital. All their information is delivered to them. And they as patients deliver all their health information to the hospital remotely securely. It's great because patients can do this at home. You don't have taken hour off work to go into hospital and do this. So it's very time consuming hospitals and receive that information and can start optimizing patients really, really early. And optimization is really really key. A big US study of 4 million joint replacements done in multiple centers in the USA showed the failure to optimize costs hospitals up to $3,000 per case. It also by just following a clinical pathway improves coding coding revenue for hospitals. So we proved time and time again that we can improve hospital revenue by improving their coding Bill wrote showed in Florida that failure to code 10 comorbidities cost up to $2,000 per day case of lost revenue. So our value props is simply for patients, we improve communication, we educate them better, and we reduce hospital visits. For hospitals, we are improving their efficiency, improving cost savings and reducing the manpower pressures we face as clinicians every day. And actually, for the wider health economy, having better prepare patients is good for all of us, we waste less resources. And we improve on that competition by reducing travel, reducing paper, and all those other aspects associated with a patient. And we have lots of real world evidence to show this. We've done lots of studies are independent, which show improve capacity, improve improved efficiency, and reduce costs. And because of this, we were awarded a National Innovation Fellowship here in the UK, which is fairly prestigious to roll out our technology throughout the UK, to help hospitals will come from COVID. Try to award wherever 100,000 patients go through the system. It's very effective, multiple hospitals, multiple advocates multiple awards. The key thing now is we have even more traction in the NHS here in the UK, multiple hospitals. These are examples of hospitals that have signed up within the last six months range from mid sized hospitals to the biggest trust the biggest hospital in the UK, Bart's NHS, we put 2.4 million pounds of seed investment into the project, we've increased our revenue by 400%. And our first year's revenue is shortly going to arrive. underpinning this key clinical aspect is our data platform. Because as we collect data from patients before the operation after operation, it all gets delivered into our data platform. Today, we have over 100,000 data sets, that's 100,000 patients, not individual points, 100,000 patients, so their data by 2023, we have 300,000 patients. And the key is we connect the whole pathway to patients pre health to what happens to them afterwards. And actually using deep AI, we can start learning about what patients for what procedure or have what risk, and we can start modifying what we do to those patients beforehand to prevent those complications occurring. Just as importantly, we get interrupted data. The little diagram or graphic on your right is robotic surgery. That's the data we get from robotic surgery. And that's really important for you to understand because the graph I showed you in the second slide was 18 year follow up. Robotic companies can't wait 18 years to prove the evidence that their technology works. We need to get it much much earlier. And on your right is it was a simple video taken and downloaded onto a platform. When I started as a trainee surgeon, we had paper. Now patients want video into their files into their media, they want to know what's going on with them. For that data platform we can get health population data about specific procedures. So for example, this the hospital wants to know about its prostate cancer patients on the top is robotic prostatectomy on the bottom is radiotherapy for the same group of patients within that hospital. We've given them patient step of finger. we can deliver data driven education. So this is 35,000 patients and in some sent them we found they have type two diabetes, a risk factor surgery, we have to deliver automated education and monitoring. And we control pathway design as well. A market did surgical market globe is about 35 billion pounds. Our customers range from surgeons ASCs in America to hospitals, medical device industries, robotics, public health, Pharma. And our business model is a simple SaaS based business business model for our modules. Our entry into us which was just started by a partnership with the US robotics company, with a distribution network, and introverts with EMR systems. So I asked it simple. If you're strategic in the room in a surgical field, we'd love to talk to you can we help each other's journey? And if you're an investor, we're about to start our van we'd like to learn more about you and knew about us. Thanks for your time.
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