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Vicki Farrar, Light Line Medical - Studio Interview | LSI USA '24

LIGHT LINE MEDICAL™, INC., has developed a proprietary, patented PhotoDisinfection System that uses visible light (not harmful UV light) to prevent and treat catheter-associated infections, including those caused by antibiotic resistant-pathogens.
Vicki Farrar
Vicki Farrar
Light Line Medical

Vicki Farrar  0:00  
I'm Vicki Farrar, the CEO of Lightline medical. We're using visible light. That's light that the human eye can see, 405 nanometer light. Significantly, it's not harmful UV light. We are using visible light to disinfect catheters, thereby preventing all catheter associated infections. So here is why the whole world has failed in preventing catheter associated infections. It's because all of the drugs used to treat them are antibiotic resistant. And in fact, antibiotic resistance is now the third leading cause of death, anticipated to be the first in the future. So we have a solution that has no antibiotic resistance. So we are literally going to change the way the whole world prevents infection. So here is example of one of our technologies. We're delivering visible light via fiber optic inside a catheter to prevent infections. This is a Foley or urinary catheter, and our visible light will disinfect inside and outside the catheter, preventing catheter associated urinary tract infections. The market healthcare acquired infections, and in particular, catheter associated infections. It's a huge worldwide market. At any given time, there are over 1.5 million infections, literally this second. So it's huge in the US alone. It costs over 50 billion annually. The standard of care is sterile technique, things like gloves and alcohol swabs. It's simply not enough. There needs to be a device solution. There are also antimicrobial catheters, like silver coated catheters, but silver degrades over time, and all of the antimicrobials only disinfect the exterior surface of the catheter, not inside and outside. And what we're doing is inside and outside, and nobody, nobody is using visible light delivered via a fiber optic inside a catheter to prevent infections. First, we're putting the technology in a peritoneal dialysis catheter followed by urinary respiratory and vascular light has been known since 1903 when the VIS when the Nobel Prize was given, that it has antimicrobial capabilities, but nobody figured out how to get it delivered via a fiber optic inside a catheter. UV light also is antimicrobial and kills microbes, but visible light is very different, because UV light literally degrades catheter materials. Is toxic to human tissue, visible light is safe, safe for tissue, and does not degrade material. So there's a big difference. To date, we've raised $11.3 million and we're looking right now at closing a Series A of 7 million we have a few $100,000 left, and we are also seeking Series B leads for $20 million and that $20 million will do two things. Primarily, we will commercialize the peritoneal dialysis product, and we will develop the foliar urinary product. And for that, we need to do animal and clinical trials that we did not have to do for peritoneal dialysis. So that's where a bulk of the series B will come from. So we have several strategics working with us. First of all, we've licensed Mayo Clinic's know how, in all four of our fields of use, and they have helped us tremendously get our peritoneal dialysis product right for their patients and for the world's patients. We also have a distribution agreement with Medline industries for our foliar urinary catheter. That's the largest private distributor in North America. They have 50 infectious disease sales reps, and as we speak right now, we are in Davis clinics in the United States interviewing caregivers and patients on our peritoneal dialysis product, and that those interviews and simulated youth studies will be submitted to FDA for our 510, K and we also have investment from merit medical. I sold my last infection control company to Merritt medical, merit is on the board and invested in this company. So because we have four fields of use, not just one, we have eight potential exits. We could do a deal internationally or domestically with each exit. So it's a real opportunity for investors, after we get our 510, K clearance, while we're not doing clinical trials, we are going to have registries where we will follow every patient that is using our product, and then we will publish that data, and it will excite the world, and it will be platform technology, letting the world know that light line medical is going to change the way the world prevents infection, and while we're focused on prevention, our technology will also treat infections, and our patents cover both prevention and treatment. So you can't patent visible light because it's a natural phenomenon. We have not patented visible light. It. What we have patented is the method of delivery of that light via a fiber optic, inside and outside of the catheter. We have literally over 30 patents, 18 pending written freedom to operate, opinions we own everything free and clear. Now what's important, it's not the number of patents. What's so important is that examiners all over the world have found our technology novel The.


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